Do You NaNo? A New Podcast Episode & Books By The Banks 2017!

What is NaNoWriMo? It's a worldwide effort to get writers in front of laptops, typewriters, or just plain notebook paper, and write 50k words in a month. That might be a whole novel for you, it might not. You can start a book, finish one, or just crack out a lot of shorts over the course of the month. The daily word count goal is 1,667 words - totally doable.

I'll be NaNo-ing this year, looking to finish one project and perhaps start another!

And don't miss the newest Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire podcast episode, with guest Kate Watson. We talk about a variety of things, from how to market a quieter book, to the many different ways a person can be strong... and of course, we talk NaNo.

I spent the weekend at Books by the Banks in Cincinnati -- and of course I had to Storify that.