Why It Is A Good Time To Start Writing A Book

by Vasy Kafidoff

Writing a book is quite an achievement and many people dream about it. For outsiders, it seems sometimes monumental and almost impossible to do. Yet, it is completely manageable and everyone who wants to do it and is ready to work will accomplish this task. Why? Because tons of other authors have done it and no one is born with this skill.

Now is a great time to begin, whether you are working for a letter writing service or have a traveling blog. Or even if you have no experience at all, the best time to start is today and here are several reasons why.

Reasons to Begin Today

-        In our age, the publishing process is much simpler. In previous times, it took a lot of time and effort to write letters to publishers, to get numerous rejections and wait for a company to accept one’s novel. Now, it is not necessary at all. A lot of people start with online publications and attract followers and readers. Many resources allow online self-publishing and if the digital copy will be successful, a publishing company might find you first.

-        There are lots of open sources of information. Thanks to the Internet we have access to libraries, studies, researches, seminars and all the types of knowledge. It certainly quite easy to find information, learn where to start or simply get inspired by motivational quotes by writers or look for motivation on studyblr. Making research for a book is accessible to anyone. Globalization also helps to find new ideas and provides a wider audience.

-        One can learn from others much easier. When it comes to writing the best way to get better at it is to practice and to read other authors. Nowadays one can buy a novel or access a blog in several seconds.

-        Let’s face it; the main reason to write a book is that you are already considering it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this, so go for it. All that matters is a clear goal, motivation, and dedication. No one is born an excellent writer, it is a skill that anyone can learn and master. That’s why it is time to start writing a book.

-        It is a great way to deliver a message and make an impact. One can share an experience or contribute to culture and society, which is a powerful tool.

How to Start Writing a Book for the First Time

Now, when the reasons are clear, you might be wondering “how can I start writing a book?” Well, the best way to start writing a book is just to begin. Sit down and write the first sentence, then the first paragraph, and the first chapter.

Here are some steps that will help one to get the process going.

1.     Find the genre. It doesn’t have to be extremely specific, but you need a clear idea of what the future creation would like. It can be non-fiction, science fiction, self-help or any other type. Look at what you personally interested in; what kind of things do you enjoy.

2.     Figure out what it is going to be about. What is the message or a story you would like to share? Based on that, you’ll build a plot, characters, and the main conflict. One of the essential tips to start writing a book is not to expect perfection from the beginning. Perfectionism is rather harmful to a creative process.

3.     Develop characters. For those who think “what do I need to start writing a book” the answer is – relatable and well-developed characters. They are the moving force of the storyline. They need to have a background and motivation. After all, we all tend to remember characters more than perks of the plot. Lots of people remember Don Quixote and Sherlock Holmes, but won’t name details of their adventures.

4.     Create an ending. If you want to start writing a book, begin with an ending. It is the hardest part and an author has to know where the story goes. It will be much easier to finish it when you know where to stop.

5.     Now it is time to type! Devote time every day or every week and set clear goals, like the number of words to finish with each session.

6.     Do not be too critical. It is important to manage one’s expectations. The first draft probably won’t get a Nobel Prize for Literature. Yet, it is a huge step. And it will take a lot of editing and rewriting until you’ll get a great result.

In Summary

There is no need to wonder where to start writing a book, use these tips to begin the process. After all, it is a fascinating time to be an author. We have unlimited access to all kinds of sources and inspiration. We also have many opportunities when it comes to bringing works to the audience, whether it is online or self-publishing.

Author’s bio: Vasy Kafidoff is an experienced writer and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in technology, education, digital marketing, and cryptocurrencies. He shares his latest articles on various topics on his Twitter.