My Scar Is A Meh Face & Other Mindy Updates

Judging by the click rates, comments and general entertainment value of my post about being seriously injured, I should probably try to almost die much more often. Apparently it would be good for my career.

Given the amount of scars I have (idea - scar inventory) I can say with a fair amount of conviction that I will get hurt again fairly soon, and I'll be sure to let everyone know. Just FYI - I am going fishing later this afternoon.


I am healing quite well, thank you, and while I was inspecting the damage the other day I noticed that my scar is a meh face. It's not impressed. It thinks I could've done better. It's seen more dedication in divorce rates. It says, muscle was exposed but not bone, so stop bragging.


Elsewhere in my life, if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you know that I did a lot of canning last week. I made a vegetable ladder of priorities in my kitchen, a thing that once done, cannot be undone. Count so far: 4 pints honey pickles, 3 quarts zucchini dill pickles, 2 jars blackberry jam, 18 pints pizza / spaghetti sauce, 8 quarts tomato juice, 3 quarts tomato soup, 3 quarts dried corn. 

Yes, you can come over when the world ends, but you need to know ahead of time that it's going to be like the Fight Club Paper Street house - you have to prove yourself on the porch. I'm thinking some sort of skill other than enduring patience. Also, there is no whining in the apocalypse. People always ask me who I am most like of all my characters, and the answer is probably Mother. That should help you decide whether or not you want to come over.